Research Focus I: Digital Economy

This research focus is less technically oriented. Digital economy examines how digitization influences economic processes. It analyzes the effects of digitization on production, innovation and the world of work, as well as the functioning of digital markets and platforms.

The results of this research area are intended to help shape framework conditions at national and European level in such a way that the potential of digital technologies can be successfully exploited for the intelligent design of value creation processes, the sustainable use of material and immaterial resources, and the participation of as many people as possible in knowledge and prosperity.

Methodologically, the research area pursues an empirical-quantitative approach. Data from our own company surveys and from Internet platforms as well as macroeconomic databases are evaluated using statistical and econometric methods. With this research profile, Mike Friedrichsen aims to become a competent contact for business, politics and society with regard to economic analyses of digitalization. Of course, this does not exclude the possibility of developing further research foci in the course of the establishment phase, e.g. in the field of digital communication or culture development.